Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gerstacker Entrepreneurial Grant Competition

When you are a student wanting to start a business, often you might have these questions and concerns:

Where do I start?
How do I start it?
What resources do I have and what do I need?
And of course....Do I have enough money to do it?

If you are an MSU undergraduate student, in good academic standing, and are studying or interested in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering or science, you might be eligible for a chance to win The Gerstacker Entrepreneurial Grant. Students will develop a concept, conduct the research, and present their findings with the goal of getting their idea to production and use. Benefits start from the very beginning; By just competing and putting an idea or concept together, your team will receive up to $500 in seed funding to execute your specific plan.  Students who become semi-finalists have the chance of winning up to $5,000, which would be a great opportunity for any small business just trying to start up.

For more information and to apply for the competition, check out the website:

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