Thursday, December 20, 2012

GreenLight Business Model Competition Press Release


The first annual GreenLight  Business Model Competition is starting in Spring’13 and will be the first of it’s kind in the East Lansing area.

This event will bring entrepreneurs from all over the State of Michigan to the East Lansing area to pitch their ideas to an amazing panel of judges with chances of winning a total of $50,000 in cash prizes along with networking with angel and venture capital investors from throughout the state.

Paul Jaques, who is the Director of Student and Community Engagement at Spartan Innovations states “Any and all State of Michigan residents that have a company or idea that has been in existence for one year or less are eligible to apply.” 

“We did not want to take anything away from all of the other great entrepreneurial events that are going on around the state but wanted to make a new event that is more centrally located and easily accessible to all State of Michigan residents.”

This event was put together with great collaboration and sponsorship with MSUFCU, LEAP, Prima Civitas, and Michigan State University.

Greenlight will take place on March 13, 2013 and will be held at The Henry Center in East Lansing from 3pm-8pm.

You can find out more information and apply to the event at

If you would like more information about this event or would like to schedule an interview with Paul Jaques, please feel free to call him at 517-884-4548 or

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Welcome to Spartan Innovations!

Welcome to the Spartan Innovations Blog!

Here we will be promoting what is going on within Spartan Innovations, and various events and competitions that will be put on in and around East Lansing, Michigan State, and within the State of Michigan.

Spartan Innovations assists entrepreneurs with developing their business to become successful. We provide multiple resources to the development of your company all at an affordable price. Weather you are a student, an alumni, a faculty member or someone who needs direction with further developing your business, we are your company. Ideas are encouraged within our place of business, so if you have one, contact us! If you would like to join us at Spartan Innovations or would like more information please contact Paul at

Gerstacker Entrepreneurial Grant Competition

When you are a student wanting to start a business, often you might have these questions and concerns:

Where do I start?
How do I start it?
What resources do I have and what do I need?
And of course....Do I have enough money to do it?

If you are an MSU undergraduate student, in good academic standing, and are studying or interested in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering or science, you might be eligible for a chance to win The Gerstacker Entrepreneurial Grant. Students will develop a concept, conduct the research, and present their findings with the goal of getting their idea to production and use. Benefits start from the very beginning; By just competing and putting an idea or concept together, your team will receive up to $500 in seed funding to execute your specific plan.  Students who become semi-finalists have the chance of winning up to $5,000, which would be a great opportunity for any small business just trying to start up.

For more information and to apply for the competition, check out the website:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Hatch

Often, we think of the work space as a cubicle, a secluded place to study in the library, or somewhere where an individual is to work independently, with little interaction with others.

Not at The Hatch. What exactly is The Hatch?

Imagine a workplace unlike any other. Where creative minds collaborate to work with analytical minds. It is almost like a cafe scene, minus the baristas and expensive drinks: multiple people working on their laptops, drinking coffee or a hot beverage of choice, and relaxed music. Much unlike the usually cafe scene, they all know each other, and usually meet around the same time to work together on one thing: their businesses, or assisting those on their business and how to further improve Spartan Innovations for those entrepreneurs. Ask anyone who works in The Hatch - they love it. Here is what some of our individuals working at the Hatch have to say: 

"It's fun with an Agenda!" - Lorin Whreelright, Graphic Designer 
"The atmosphere is fresh." - David Park, Graphic Designer 
"It's a creative environment as opposed to the traditional office space" - Jerry Wang, Financial Analyst 

The Hatch offers all sorts of resources to bring your business to life.  It's run by Spartan Innovations, a new branch of Michigan State University's Technology Transfer Office that specializes in commercializing ideas that come out of the University.

The Hatch also offers a high-speed internet connection, a big-screen TV, gaming consoles and a mix of comfortable and more work-oriented furniture.  But most importantly it offers the opportunity to work alongside other entrepreneurs.  Other businesses, and their ambitious founders, already make their home at the Hatch.  The open floorplan of the space allows for great networking and idea-sharing opportunities with other newly founded companies in the region.

Usually, you will see the typical college student, anywhere from ages 18-22 working in The Hatch. But their are some exceptions - we have an intern who is currently pursuing his Ph.D, and some business owners who have been graduated for a few years. You'll see ideas anywhere from manufacturing Spartan helmets to the Real Estate industry. The Hatch is a great place to work, to share ideas, and to collaborate as a team and assist each other with anything pertaining to small business. Interns are their to assist you, we have everything from Financial Analysis to Graphic Design.

Just reading the Hatch doesn't truly do it justice though; spend some time there and you'll get a feel for the atmosphere and why everyone that works there seems to enjoy themselves so much.  If you'd like to take a tour of the Hatch or if you'd just like more information about it, contact Paul Jaques at
